Prompts Wheel Pick My TBR – Secret TBR Week 1

Here is my first week of secret TBR game. I am making a vlog for this on my YouTube channel. So, go visit there – The Reading Platter to see my funny reactions and more information on the books and their reviews.

I was not that much scared for the 1st week to be honest because the prompts on the wheel were not bad. Ofcourse it was a custom wheel. So I put 15 prompts on my prompts wheel. I will list all the prompts below if you want to use them to pick books for yourself. It is a mix of prompts and genres.

  1. Historical fiction
  2. Non-fiction
  3. Friends pick
  4. New to me author
  5. Contemporary
  6. Comic/ manga
  7. Written by an Asian author
  8. Audiobook
  9. Written by black author
  10. Funny book
  11. Published in 2019
  12. 5 star prediction
  13. Part of a series
  14. Booktube recommendation
  15. Random colour generator

I have explained all these prompts in that video so check it out.

I spinned the wheel 3 times to pick 3 prompts.

The first prompt was to pick a contemporary. Thank God!!!!! I picked Beach Read by Emily Henry.

The second prompt was to pick a non-fiction. I picked the only non-fiction listed on my 5 star prediction which is Ikigai by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles.

The last prompt was to pick an audiobook. For that I went for the audio-arc I received from NetGalley. The One Great Gnome by Jeff Dinardo.

Wasn’t the wheel nice to me? Let’s see how nice the books were to me. Oh no no! You have to watch the video for that which is inked below. Click to see how much I suffered!

Published by the_reading_platter

I am a Freelance Scriptwriter and Copywriter. I love writing and reading.💖💜

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